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Closure for coming Bank Holiday Monday (6 May)

Please note we will be closed for the Bank Holiday this Monday 6 May. You can still book and amend your appointments online.


The intention of a vasectomy is to make a man sterile and no longer capable of fathering further children. You should therefore not think about having a vasectomy unless you are absolutely sure that you will never want another child.

All vasectomy procedures at Sandyford are carried out under local anaesthesia. Local anaesthetic is injected under the skin surface of the scrotum to freeze the area. The aim of the procedure is to remove a portion of the tube (Vas deferens) from both sides of the scrotum. To achieve this, local anaesthetic is injected under the skin on either side of the scrotum. A small cut is made in the skin and a small portion of the tube is removed. The ends of the tube are then destroyed by passing a small electrical needle down the centre of each tube. A single stitch may be used to close the wound on the skin. The stitches normally dissolve themselves within 1-3 weeks. The doctor will complete one side of the procedure before starting on the other.

At Sandyford the vasectomy procedure is only performed under local anaesthetic. If you would prefer the procedure performed under general anaesthetic, we can discuss this at your counselling appointment and refer as appropriate.

Before booking an appointment, please watch this video which details everything you need to know about the procedure.

More Information

Find out more information on NHS Inform.

Sandyford Patient Information: Vasectomy

Further information about how a vasectomy works, the pros and cons, recovery times and answers to common questions. 

It's important that we have an up to date record of your Body Mass Index (BMI). This is a measurement of your height and your weight. If your BMI is above 35 we will not perform the procedure. This is because it will make the vasectomy technically more difficult and there is a greater risk of complications.

How long does it take to become effective?

After the procedure you will be given a specimen container and form that will be needed for your sample. One ejaculate specimen should be collected by incomplete intercourse and withdrawal or by masturbation, directly into the container. The container should be handed into the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in the envelope provided, at least 16 weeks after the procedure.

A negative specimen is required to confirm that the procedure has been successful. The majority of specimens after 16 weeks are negative.  If the specimen continues to show the presence of some sperm, a further container will be sent to you, so that you can give a further sample.   In some cases, it can take up to 12 months to confirm the procedure has been successful.

It is extremely important that contraception is continued to be used until we have informed you of the success of your vasectomy. Regular ejaculation helps clear the sperm.

Once we have received a sample free of sperm, we will inform you and your G.P. of the vasectomy success. Once you have received this confirmation, it will not be necessary to use further contraception. The letter will be sent to you approximately 2 weeks after the sample has been received. Please do not phone for results, we will contact you by post.

Are there any disadvantages?

It is a permanent method of contraception.

  • Reversible procedures cannot be done on the NHS.
  • A vasectomy excludes men from free NHS Fertility treatment, if desired in the future.  
  • Sterilisation does not protect you against sexually transmitted infections.
  • Need to use reliable contraception until we have confirmed the procedure has been successful. This will be at least 20 weeks following the procedure.

What do I do if I want to have a vasectomy?

You can make an appointment at Sandyford to discuss and arrange your vasectomy. You do not need to be referred by your GP. If you wish to proceed, an appointment should be made  for discussion. Before this appointment you should watch the video above which details everything you need to know – it is important you do this as it forms part of the informed consent process.  During the assessment appointment a specialist nurse will confirm that you have understood all the information about all aspects of the procedure including the failure rate and known complications. There will be an opportunity to discuss in confidence any questions or issues you may have regarding vasectomy. If you wish to proceed, you can then make the appointment for your operation.  Appointments are available at Sandyford Central, Monday to Friday.

Make a Vasectomy Appointment

Call 0141 211 8654 to discuss your options and make a vasectomy appointment.

If you wish to proceed to a vasectomy operation, you will be given an operation date at the time of the assessment appointment.

At the assessment appointment

Assessment clinics run weekly on Monday and Tuesday. During the appointment all aspects of the procedure will be discussed including the failure rate and known complications. This appointment usually lasts 15 minutes. 

After the procedure

There will be some discomfort for the following 48 hours. Most men have some bruising and swelling. If you are employed we recommend you arrange to take the next day or two off work, and we recommend that you keep off your feet as much as possible. Wearing tight fitting underpants often helps to support the scrotum and applies pressure to any bleeding. The area can be bathed the following day. Adding salt to bath water can help healing. Any stitches should dissolve themselves.